Banish bad smells from wardrobes using a simple tip

We can't do without having closeable wardrobes and drawers in which to store our clothes, household linen and essential accessories. In fact, even if we like the idea of having open-faced furniture where we can store everything we use most often close to hand, we need to protect the rest of our garments from dust and pollution in closeable storage units. That said, an unpleasant "musty" smell can develop in closed wardrobes.
To counteract this, in addition to periodically airing out these units, you can use to some home expedients, such as those indicated below:

If there is a need to deodorize a wardrobe or set of drawers, you can use a simple tip. For this, you will need:
- Adhesive felt pads, such as those to be placed under the legs of chairs and tables to muffle noise and to protect the floor;
- An essential oil you like.
The method is intuitive: you just need to pour a couple of drops of essential oil on the felt pads and then attach them to the inside walls of the wardrobe or drawers. Use oils that are antifungal, such as teatree oil; or use those that keep moths and insects away, such as cedar oil. Eucalyptus, lavender and lemon oils are also excellent.
If you had scraps of felt at home, you can use these instead for the same purpose (securing them with double-sided tape).
Always be attentive to the cause of any bad smells - which is often due to humidity. And if you realize that this is the case, you can deal with this too. You can use cups or bags of baking soda, or coarse salt - perhaps also perfumed with the essential oils just indicated - to absorb excess humidity in the air. You can also create potpourri with spices and the dried leaves of aromatic plants, enhanced using a little essential oil. When using these remedies, remember to check once or twice a month to see if you need to replenish them.
What method do you prefer to use to deodorize your wardrobes?