Furnishing with rope: 11 DIY ideas to give your home a nautical feel

A piece of rope or cord may seem like a very humble object, perhaps usually associated with manual work, but with the right technique, it can become a fantastic furnishing resource. Inspired by the marine style (coastal, navy and the sea), you can give a nautical touch to your home.
From the rougher finishes to smoother ropes, thin ones and very thick ones: there are many ideas for exploiting the characteristics of each type of rope depending on the object you want to create. Be inspired by the suggestions below:
The heavier gauge ropes are perfect for "tough" jobs such as pulling out drawers: that's when this rope type can become customized handles of many different types.
Additionally, plaited rope can be a different, cheap and unique idea for door handles!
If you have an old mirror, then some rope could bring it back to life, whatever the shape of the glass. You'll probably use a turn or two to make a frame made from thick rope, and a bit more if you're using a thinner gauge.
There are also many ideas for weaving rustic rugs with rope - perfect for every corner of the house (from the kitchen to the bathroom).
And why not use a nice piece of rope as a means to hang up your curtains on curtain rails instead of the usual, boring metal hooks?
There are also those who use the thicker and heavier gauge ropes to create doorstops of various kinds: spheres, intertwined large knots, and many more!
If a nautical style is what you like, ropes you can be used as an alternative to standard, wall-mounted towel holders - and not to mention as well as for toilet paper roll holders in the bathroom.
Do you have a damaged vase or pot? Wrap it with rope and it will be as good as new - ready to use as you wish.
Another convenient and easy idea: use ropes as curtain tie-backs.
A little glue or thread and rolling up rope to create spiral coasters and trivets is really simple to do.
Thick rope that resembles a ship's mooring rope is great for making DIY light fittings.
Would you like to decorate your home using rope?