Turn a toilet paper roll into a star to hang on your Christmas tree

There are many ideas and tutorials online about how to create magnificent party decorations using recycling and DIY projects. In fact, with a bit of creativity, one could easily avoid buying everything needed to make Christmas decorations and save a fortune (and help the environment too).
In fact, all you need to make a Christmas tree decoration is a toilet paper roll, some paint and a bit of string: the result will be a beautiful star to place on your tree.
Read on to find out how to do this:
via @craftscm/TikTok

The process is illustrated in a video on TikTok by @craftscm, a very popular account for sharing creative works of various kinds. The video shows, step-by-step, how to create a beautiful three-dimensional star from a toilet paper roll. To make this, you will need:
- A toilet paper roll
- Scissors
- Glue
- String
- Gold paint (tempera)
- A brush
The assembly process is really simple and quick:
- Cut the flattened roll into rectangles about a couple of centimeters wide;
- At the ends of each strip thus obtained, cut a small triangle. By doing this, each strip will have two points at each end;
- Paint each of these strips with the gold paint and let them dry.

- Place three strips together to form a star and secure them in the center using glue;
- Once the star has been made, pass the string through one of the star's ends and tie a knot to create the loop that will allow you to hang it on the tree.
Your gorgeous 3D star is now ready to be hung up. Making these stars even more extraordinary and original, is the fact that they were created starting from a recycled material that is so simple and easy to find. If you want to try this DIY project and see the procedure in detail, you can watch the video by clicking here.
Don't you think it is a really cute and original idea?