Guests and good manners: 8 embarrassing situations that can be avoided easily

When dealing with guests, there are rules of etiquette that it is best to follow, even if they are not written in stone.
It is usually a matter of exercising common sense and empathy, and can help us to avoid embarrassing and unpleasant incidents. Of course, not everyone possesses these qualities or uses them at the right time. Given this, embarrassing incidents can arise.
To avoid this and be the perfect host, it is best to remember to take some precautionary steps. Read on to find out more:

Before offering guests anything to drink, be it hot or cold, it is best to ask the guests about their preferences. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a situation where something is offered something they do not like or cannot drink for some other reason. This can be embarrassing for everyone.

Pets are often considered to be one's best friends. But there are people who suffer from allergies caused by pet hair. Having the guest sit on a sofa full of dog or cat hair - or finding the animal curled up on it - could be disasterous.

The floors in the home should be fairly clean - at least to the eye - or your home will appear to have a shabby appearance that many guests will not appreciate.

It is much better to avoid having rags, brooms and other cleaning utensils laying around in plain view. This could convey the message that the guests are interrupting the rhythmes of the household. Or it may look like cleaning is only done when guests are expected.

Always to avoid the possibility of creating the impression that the visit is a nuisance. For example, avoid receiving guests while seated at the table or, even worse, after others have begun eating.

Try not to ensure that a guest will not have to ask for toilet paper because it's run out. Always check that the dispenser is full and a spare roll is nearby.

When the guest brings something to eat, etiquette and good manners dictate that you don't put it away to eat it later. Offer everyone the guest's contribution at the event.

Then there are those who, for reasons related to hygiene or certain cultural beliefs, prefer to walk around barefoot at home. Never put a guest in the position of having to take off his or her shoes. This is something that might upset many people.
Have you ever found yourself in unpleasant situations as a guest or host?