9 times someone made a major mistake choosing their Christmas decorations

With the arrival of Christmas, cities and homes all over the world are decorated for the holidays: decorations of all kinds, especially lots of sparkling lights, are used everywhere. Cities are always looking for some different kind of attractive lighting, and then there are Christmas trees which are decked out in a thousand different ways.
And then there are all the decorations we can buy for our homes which never seem to be enough. In short, there is a deluge of decorations everywhere you look. Every now and then, however, someone makes a major mistakes in the design of these decorations. And sometimes these mistakes are so evident that one wonders how it is possible that no one realized it before it was too late. Check out some these blunders below:

It takes a bit of puzzling to figure out the spelling of the word "Christmas" on this decorative sign in the middle of a shopping mall. It's okay to want to be original, but here, it's just unnecessarily complicated.

The lights draped over city streets are a magical sight during Christmas. But in this case, lights in the shape of women's panties are slightly less impressive.

"The mall in my city is preparing for Christmas with bears peering into your soul." Imagine the manager who ordered these bears thinking they would create a delightful Christmas atmosphere - when in fact, they look like something from a horror movie.

"I just sat there, wondering why my religious mother-in-law had chosen to hang a severed toe ornament on the tree. When I looked closer...". And in fact, from a distance, it does look like a toe.

We don't know the reason for this centaur Santa Claus - who should perhaps be called "Santauro".

The box clearly says it's "four" Christmas ornaments. One person guessed that "the fourth ornament is the box itself".

These chocolate Easter bunnies have been reused as Santa's reindeer. Are times really so tough that Santa has to use rabbits to get around instead of reindeer?

It's fine to be creative with Christmas decorations. And it's fine to put your creativity into recycling everyday objects. But the idea of transforming toilet brushes into Christmas trees is somewhat questionable.

Somewhere in the world there was a shopping center that decided that this was the Christmas tree they wanted displayed to the public throughout the holiday season.
Have you ever come across similarly bizarre Christmas decorations?