Pigeons on the balcony? Try banishing them using aluminum foil

There are many people who have to deal with specific, unwanted guests on their balconies: pigeons. When these birds decide to take up residence near or on balconies and terraces, they become an irritation that is difficult to ignore. Pigeons tend to be quite noisy, especially if the flock is large, and above all, they are really dirty, forcing us to clean these areas much more often than we normally would.
There are many different methods to dissuade pigeons from wanting to land right on our roofs and balconies, and one of these involves the use of something all of us have in the kitchen: aluminum foil (tin foil). Read on to find out more:

It is worth trying this method - albeit somewhat rudimentary. It is based in the fact that, like many other birds, pigeons are alarmed by sudden flashes of light. To this end, the reflective surface of aluminum foil is very useful - and aluminum foil is cheap too.
There are methods to try:
- Cover the handrail of the railing - or its external facade - with aluminum foil, securing it firmly around the iron supports. It's not particularly pleasant from an aesthetic point of view, but it can help keep pigeons away.
- You can also cover some objects to be left hanging outside in the foil, such as simple pieces of cardboard (or plastic, or wood), hung up with from the roof or awning. These flashy objects will move in the wind and reflect sunlight, acting as a deterrent.
This is the same principle used to create bird deterrents from old CDs are used: compact discs (which have a metallic side with iridescent colors that flashes in the sunlight and frightens away birds. Similarly, old mirrors are sometimes used in gardens and veggie patches.
This simple and inexpensive method is worth a try. Have you tried anything else which has worked well?