Hanging up wet clothes at home: get them to dry faster using these tips

Winter is synonymous, amongst other things, with drying racks/clothes horses scattered around the house and radiators always filled with clothes that are drying out. And wet clothes hanging up in the house inevitably causes more humidity in the air, which can be a problem for both for the house and for our health. To get around this problem, some invest in buying drying machines; others dry their laundry outside the home (like in the garage, for example).
But what about those that prefer using the traditional clothes horse instead? There are solutions for this too and below we list some tips that will certainly make your life easier!
1. The spin-dry cycle

The first step to take that facilitates quciker drying can be done during the wash: we may often try to avoid using the spin cycle but in winter, this function is essential to facilitate drying, as it removes all the excess water, reducing the possibility of bad odors developing in the garments.
2. The right place

After washing and spinning, the next thing to pay attention to is choosing the right place: it is important that the room where the clothes horse will be placed is not very humid and that it is well ventilated. If none of the rooms in your home are dry enough, you can opt for the bathroom, where the heat from the radiators and the shower can help dry out your laundry.
3. Dehumidify

Another effective way to speed up the drying of your laundry is to dehumidify the air in the room where the clothes horse is located. For this purpose, you can easily make a DIY dehumidifier with coarse salt: 150 g of salt is sufficient to dehumidify a 5x5 meter room. You can easily build a dehumidifier by cutting up a plastic bottle and inserting the upper part filled with salt and upside down inside the lower one; alternatively you can use a bowl into which you have placed a colander containing the salt. Pink salt lamps are also useful for this purpose, which in addition to being beneficial for air quality, are also decorative.
4. Heat

Another good way to speed up drying is to place the clothes horse in front of a heat source, such as a radiator, fireplace, stove or hot oven. In this way, not only will your laundry dry out more quickly, but you can also prevent bad smells from developing. Just be careful to keep the right distance from the heat source in order to avoid unpleasant accidents.
5. Distances

Finally, the last tip is perhaps the most obvious. We often find ourselves forced to use up all the space on the clothes horse, yet placing the clothes on top of each other will inevitably lead to longer drying times. Place your clothes on the clothes horse well spread out and spaced apart: drying times will be radically reduced.
But what if, despite taking these steps, the clothes are still taking a long time to dry? Well, you can avoid bad smells developing by spraying the clothes lightly with a mixture of water, baking soda and essential oil of your choice: the scent will be a pleasure! Happy laundry days, everyone!