11 hilarious photos that will make you laugh

It is not unusual to find yourself scrolling through a website and being surprised by an image, which perhaps looks funny or very strange. And there are many users who enjoy sharing these types of photos online.
Whilst we cannot always be sure that these photos have not been staged or doctored, many of them manage to elicit a smile from us. And below, you will find various hilarious images we have collected for you:

Cats love boxes, we all know this. But what about this idea which seeks to replicate the famous Metro Goldwyin Meyer film logo? And it's very cute, even if a cat is not exactly a lion!

A shirt or a massive QR code. Wouldn't you want to photograph it to find out if it leads to anywhere interesting on the internet?

Someone must be a fan of James Bond movies - especially the movie where Bond emerges from the sea impeccably dressed. Check out the brilliantly elegant wetsuit this fan made.

There's a lot of irony cast by the dark shadow of a well-known fast food chain logo onto a wall that advertises a gym. McDonald's versus the Planet Fitness. Who will win?

This guy dressed up like the character in the video game he is buying: this is next level cosplay stuff.

Someone on the subway found himself sitting opposite Mona Lisa.

This smoker didn't want to stop smoking while playing, and he found a creative solution: perhaps weird (and unhealthy), but definitely creative.

Perhaps the mountain is actually a sleeping giant, just like the man in the foreground.

We've all done it: doodling during lessons. But doing it on your computer using MS Paint is even more fun.

Can you imagine the noise these rubber chickens would make in the event of a collision? A fun and effective bumper to use in tight parking spaces.
Who knows what hilarious images you may come across in the future!