5 easy and useful tips to remedy small annoyances at home

Spending time at home and taking care of various household chores, is part of everyone's life. And we need to deal with these small inconveniences timeously before they get out of hand and become a much bigger problem.
And, in fact, there are many small tips that can come in handy in everyday life, and below we indicate some of the most common ones which you may find very useful!

A little duct tape and some paper (any sheet of paper will do) will help you create a DIY dustpan to catch all the dust that is created whenever you drill holes in a wall. There will be much less to clean up afterwards, especially if there is furniture or upholstery underneath the drilling site!

Before you lose all hope and surrender to the mess in your closet, try to find extra space using a hack/tip that allows you to hang multiple items from the same spot. For example, you can use chains (perhaps plastic ones, as long as they are sturdy) to thread several "clustered" hangers from one hook on the clothes rail.
Tired of the noise produced by the washing machine or dryer when it hits the spin cycle? You can "mute" this noise with a simple tip: insert a pool noodle into the gaps to act as a shim. This definitely dampens spin-cycle noise!

The sponges we use to wash the dishes must also be properly washed and sanitized from time to time. This helps not only to make them last longer (reducing costs and pollution), but it is essential to guarantee a higher level of hygiene at home. To make this task easier, put them in the dishwasher together with the rest of the load. Zero effort and optimal results.

Some noises around the house can really get on one's nerves. One of these is squeaky doors (or windows). This problem can be solved easily by using special lubricants. But in case you don't have one of these to hand, a DIY alternative is to rub a bar of soap on the hinges. Even if you'll need to use oil later, it's a good "emergency" measure to try.
What are some simple tips that you use around the home?