Christmas compositions using candles: 12 ideas to light up your holidays

by Mark Bennett

November 30, 2022

Christmas compositions using candles: 12 ideas to light up your holidays

When one thinks of decorating the home for Christmas, it is impossible not to think of lights: they can be the strings of light bulbs of all kinds, but candles are even more iconic. Candles create an intimate atmosphere every time they are lit: but at Christmas, they are even more magic.

It is not necessary to commit to making or buying complicated and expensive compositions: a few good ideas and access to basic materials that are easy to find can be enough to set up memorable, candle-focused decorations. Check out the ideas below:

It doesn't necessarily have to be the candle itself that has the Christmas colors or decorations: it's easier to insert a candle into appropriately decorated candle holders to get the right look.


A few candles on top of decorated, upside-down glasses (containing, for example, left over Christmas tree decorations), can be perfect to make a table centrepiece.

A scented candle, a slice from a log , a pine cone, an artificial tree, and any extra decorations you want. It won't take up much time to make and the composition is cute to look at!

A classic project: clad the outside of a glass or candle holder with cinnamon sticks.

A beautiful glass bowl, with festive potpourri inside and dominated by a candle. Imagine the wonderful smell!


A little string, a slice of dried fruit, a star aniseed and you will have decorated any candle for your Christmas holidays.

Why not use an intact piece of bark as a centerpiece base on which to place candles and, perhaps, a few pieces of fruit?


Multiple wooden disks (cut in slices from a log or trunk), mounted with figurines typical/iconic for the season, is another composition which is easy to make.

A metal bucket and lots of fronds and pine cones to frame the candle in the centre - beautiful!


White candles on the mantelpiece. To give them the Christmas touch, all you need is a few pine sprigs hanging upside down on their sides, secured with twine.

Prefer something less conventional? Use black candles to create a "decadent" composition.


Or indulge yourself with colored, modern candles and candle holders. Surrounded by decorations, your Christmas will be magical

Happy Holidays!
