10 examples of eye-catching designs

The world of design, at any level, is full of surprises and curious inspirations, and has the power to transform common objects into memorable items.
We can see this in the shapes and materials of kitchen accessories, stationery and furnishings. But it's a philosophy that can apply to almost everything. And then, there are those times when something strikes us as funny (which maybe wasn't the intention) - like when we see a face in a building. Listed below are some memorable designs to admire:

This bar of soap is made in such a way that, as it is comsumed, the face gets sadder and sadder. A very cut idea.

This saucer is made to hold soy sauce. When empty, you can just about see a drawing of a temple (this one is the Itsukushima temple). But when you then pour soy sauce into the saucer, a wonderful painting is revealed!

These road signs, giving directions to the McDonald's headquarters, are brilliant. The written words ("next exit"; "to your right"; "you went too far") are cute in themselves. But if you notice it, they even use some parts of the chain's logo to show the road to be taken!

An example of functional design: it seems that walls made in this way (i.e. serpentines) require less bricks than straight ones, and are also more reistant to the wind!

A rack for bicycles in the street - in the shape of a bicycle! Beautiful, useful and decorative for the city.

A drinking water fountain for everyone: for those who just want a drink, those who want to fill their water bottles and those who want to give their dog a drink.

Do you think the architect deliberately made this building look surprised?

No annoying bells or alarms in this restaurant: to get the attention of the waiters, just change the colour of the light on the lamp on the table.

Another case in which there was no deliberate intention to make the seats of a stadium into a host many smiling faces, but it happened nontheless.

Here, on the other hand, it is clear that some artist had the brilliant idea of transforming a simple tap into Scrat from the Ice Age movies.
Have you ever noticed objects with truly amazing designs?