Have fun in the kitchen with useful accessories of brilliant design

There are those who love to spend time in the kitchen; then there are those for whom fiddling around in the kitchen is a pain. Either way, though, preparing meals can be made easier and more enjoyable when you have the right tools and utensils.
Proper tools can make our time in the kitchen much more enjoyable and efficient. And you don't have to spend a fortune to get these tools and utensils. Take a look at the products below: they could inspire your next kitchen purchase!

Instead of repeatedly rubbing the blades of knives to get them clean, why not rely on a sponge specially made to scrape everything off knife blades without running the risk of getting cut?

Maybe we have a ladle tray near the stove, but how many times do we find out it is too small to hold two? There are some useful accessories that can help with this - and they are easy to wash and dry after use.

And if by chance you're looking for an alternative to the classic spoon rest, here's one that looks like you have already made made a mess!

For those who love to pair cheese with fruit, sauces and more, here is the perfect chopping board.

Do you ever happen to find yourself about to drain pasta or vegetables from a boiling pot, but the colander doesn't fit in the sink (perhaps it's full of dirty dishes)? An accessory like this saves you hassle, space and time.

If you need to change your kitchen faucet, maybe you could consider getting one that has the ability be detached (like in the shower). This way, you can wash everything much easier.

There are devices suitable for the microwave, which can be filled with vinegar (or your favorite cleaning product), to thoroughly degrease the inside. This one is much more fun than the usual glass bowl used. Perhaps there's also a father model availble too...?
Have you ever used any products like these? What ingenious accessory in your kitchen could you not live without?