Weird solutions to everyday problems: 7 amusing tips for doing things in an unconventional way

There are strategies that we implement to solve everyday problems but sometimes, they can be decidedly strange and unconventional.
It is said that "necessity is the mother of invention" and, when the need is strong, other considerations (like "how"?) take a back seat. Sometimes the solutions are really bizarre and out of the ordinary, but they still work. The satisfaction of the need overcomes how bizarre the solution may be.
Often, these solutions can be very amusing. We've listed some of the more eclectic and original ones we've found below:

Children often stand in front of the supermarket trolley. But sometimes, they are too small and putting them into the trolley can be unsafe. Shown in the photo, this little girl is held in place safely using boxing gloves. It looks like the little one is very comfortable and at ease.

This gentleman wanted to find a way to wear his AirPods without them dropping out and losing them. Here is his amusing, but effective, solution. Not exactly cutting-edge, but it works.

Not having enough space in the pantry, hanging up bags of bread, biscuits and similar is definitely one way to solve this problem.

What do you think of this unorthodox solution to prevent a mask elastic from irritating one's ears? It may seem a little odd but it's a brilliant solution nonetheless.

Those who put up this sign certainly found it more convenient and faster than manually moving the hands of the clock forward one hour. This is more a case of pro-level laziness.

And why not hang the Christmas tree from the ceiling to avoid it being destroyed by the cat? It may seem an absurd and bizarre, yet we are sure many (with cats and small kids) would seriously consider doing this.

And then there's the cleanliness freak (or lazy - depending on your point of view) housewife who walks around the house with wet wipes under her feet, like a pair of skates. In this way, the floor remains clean and there is no need to constantly take a mop to it. It's amazing what some will do to avoid chores, isn't it?
Would you ever use any of these imaginative solutions?