Perfect fits: 8 times where chance created incredible combinations

There are situations in which chance and coincidence act so precisely together that they create incredible combinations of shapes and sizes. It is as if there are scattered pieces of a puzzle strewn throughout in the world that occasionally meet and fit together perfectly.
If we consider the myth of soul mates, we can also assume that this is the case for inanimate objects too. As for the combinations we are talking about, if it weren't for the fact that photographic evidence exists - shared by those who immortalized them - they might not strike us as genuine. And even when it come to photos, there is still doubt as to whether or not they have been photoshopped.
Check out the photos below to see what we are talking about:

Check out how this oven rack perfectly fits the sink. Cleaning up the kitchen like this should be child's play.

The way in which all the boxes loaded on the vehicle in the photo are in perfect alighment, amazingly matching the exact width of the back of the truck.

And what about this pan that seems to have made room for itself in the dishwasher? The coincidence leaves one speechless and we can only imagine the amazement of those who found themselves uploading the appliance.

This living room may, of course, have been designed to look like this and to fit into all the available space, But the scene is still impressive.

The waffle stuck in the coffee cup of which, by chance, has the same diameter, is spectacular and almost looks like a lid. If it were served like this in a bar, with this scenographic touch, it would be a great success.

In this case, we don't have the other half of the apple but the other half of the pepper. Even nature itself manages to combine unusual things.

The courier who delivered this package have be surprised by this perfect fit. And whoever received it will have been even more stunned.

Not to mention the stick of butter which fits the butter dish precisely. For a dining experience with attention to detail, this will be perfect.
Have you ever come across images like this in your daily life?