Cut your energy costs: 7 tips that can come in handy

If we stop to think about how much energy we consume each day, it can be a bit of a shock. Household appliances like refrigerators and freezers consume a lot of energy, as do air conditioners, fans and dehumidifiers. And then there are appliances that are used for regular household chores, like the washing machine or vacuum cleaner.
So, how can energy consumption be reduced? You cannot make drastic cuts without enormous sacrifices, but it is possible to take some steps. Here are some you can consider:

When we boil something, always cover the pot with a lid: using the lid speeds up cooking times, which translates into lower energy consumption.

Venetian blinds: when it is hot, we often use the air conditioners. These appliances are, however, are extremely energy-hungry. To offset the heat, use venetian blinds or curtains to shade the home.

Maintenance of the appliances (especially the dryer): Any appliance designed to wash clothes generally has filters for to protect the internal mechanisms. In the case of the dryer, for example, you need to clean the filters often. But don't forget the filters in the washing machine or dishwasher as well. Clean filters mean that the appliances will consume less power.

Speaking of the dryer, you can speed up the programs by using the balls that keep the clothes separate to let more air pass - and they will also be softer!

Do you drink a lot of tea? Electric kettles use far less energy than other standard means to boil the water!

Get in the habit of putting the power plugs of appliances that do not need to be in operation 24 hours a day (such as computers, televisions, stereos) into a power strip that has a switch. Just turn this off when not in use and your power bill will be reduced.

Refrigerators and freezers: there is no need to keep them at a very low temperature. In fact, when there is a large temperature differential with the outside, these appliances have to work harder to maintain their set temperatures. It is best to raise the temperature of these appliances a bit.
It sounds trivial, but steps like this can make a difference.