Sparkling clean shower cubicle glass: DIY methods to consider

by Mark Bennett

November 21, 2022

Sparkling clean shower cubicle glass: DIY methods to consider

One of the constant challenges that our homes give us is the fight against limescale: you can use filters and purifiers, but some mineral residue will show up at some stage. And there are no surfaces on which you can see limescale more clearly than on glass.

This problem is particularly noticeable in a shower that has a glass door. It is not possible to completely eliminate this problem, but you can try using anti-drip products and other remedies that can significantly reduce the scale of this irritation.



A product to keep at the ready in the bathroom to clean glass, can be prepared as follows:

  • 150 ml of water, preferably distilled or demineralized
  • 150 ml of alcohol white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon (optional) of talcum powder
  • The juice of one lemon, filtered. Otherwise, one tablespoon of citric acid.

Mix the water and alcohol first by shaking; then add the other ingredients and shake up again. You will have to remember to shake the bottle each time you use it; now you can use the mixture like a regular glass cleaning product (and using a lint-free cloth).

Then there are the other remedies you can try, especially if you had no time to prepare the above anti-drip product:

  • Rub half a lemon (even if already squeezed) on the glass like you would a sponge: this eliminates limescale, but then it must be rinsed off and dried immediately. If you have time, and only a few lemons, then squeeze them until you get 250ml of lemon juice and mix it with water to fill a one liter spray bottle.
  • Use white vinegar neat, with a sponge or a suitable cloth.
  • On the dry glass (just cleaned) you can also apply talcum powder, rubbed on with a soft cloth. But this is more suitable for window panes than shower glass.

Always have a squeegee ready, to remove the bulk of the water from the walls of the shower cubicle immediately after showering - in this way, you will greatly delay the appearance of annoying traces of limescale.
