Add honey to recipe ingredients without creating a mess: a brilliant tip

by Mark Bennett

December 11, 2022

Add honey to recipe ingredients without creating a mess: a brilliant tip

There are many culinary preparations in which honey is used. From a myriad of desserts to the preparation of dough for bread and other leavened products, there is no shortage of occasions when you find yourself having to measure out small quantities of honey to mix with flour and other dry ingredients. And the same can be true for other types of foods with a similar consistency - viscous ones like certain syrups, caramel and similar.

For many recipes, we need to add only one or two teaspoons or tablespoons of honey to the ingredients. In other words, we generally don't use a lot of honey for most recipes.

But measuring out and adding honey to our ingredients can be a messy process! So, what if we told you that there is a very useful method of doing this without creating a big mess?

via @bothegoattv/TikTok



This tip is shown to us by TikTokker, @bothegoattv, who was as impressed by the ingenuity of the method as we are sure you will be.

The method is truly brilliant in its simplicity, but it only works when honey is added to dry ingredients, such as various types of flour. It all hinges on using the shape of a tablespoon or teaspoon. Here's how it works:

  • Prepare the dry ingredients (flour, salt, yeast) inside the container in which you will work the dough. Or, if you're using the fountain method (like adding eggs to a mound of flour), first set up the mound on your working surface;
  • Now take your unit of measure you need for the honey, such as a teaspoon. Make sure you have cleared all clutter away from the working area;
  • Now you just have to press the teaspoon into the flour, just as if you were making a mold of it. The depression created in the flour will have the same dimensions as the spoon itself (and therefore, the same capacity);
  • Remove the spoon by lifting it up gently, without "breaking" the depression you just created.
  • Pour the honey (or other similar ingredient) into the depression until it has been filled.

Et voila! The teaspoon will only be covered in a thin layer of flour, which is very easy to remove, and you will have the perfect amount of honey added to your ingredients.

Check out the creator's reaction to this brilliant tip here.

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