To get gleaming windows, just follow these useful tips

A window with gleaming glass is a source of pride and enhances the appearance of the house. When the windows are perfectly transparent, without streaks and dirt, they let in light in a unique way - but a massive effort is needed to keep them in this condition! And what a frustration it is to notice that there are still streaks when we have finished cleaning them.
All is not lost, however. So what are the tips to keep our windows looking flawless?

- Do not clean the windows when it is sunny outside. It is better to do this on a cloudy day or in the cooler evening hours. This prevents the sun's rays from drying out the cleaning products as soon as they touch the glass, thus creating stains.
- Always use hot, but not boiling, water: if it is hot, it will dissolve the dirt much or effectively, especially on the outside.
- Always use only cloths suitable for glass, or sheets of newspaper (or even light, delicate cotton cloths). Nothing abrasive, which will release lint or paper (like a kitchen towel) onto the glass.
- Never allow more than a month to pass between one cleaning and the next: this will make it more difficult for stubborn dirt stains to accumulate.
- Use alcohol-based products, or white vinegar, which are able to dissolve dirt and leave less streaks. There are also DIY remedies such as talcum powder and more. But in the case of a thorough cleaning that has been neglected for a while, alcohol or vinegar helps the most.
- Another ingredient you can use is citric acid, which must be dissolved in hot water (a couple of teaspoons in 750 ml of water is sufficient). And to increase the degreasing power, you can pour in one or two drops of detergent.
- Before washing, remove the bulk of the dirt with a dust-proof or microfibre cloth.
- When you clean the glass, make regular movements. Move in strips from top to bottom, without overlapping. Use more water on the first pass and a little less on the second.
- Dry off immediately with newspaper, or with cloths used to polish a car's bodywork.
Great work!