When last did you replace them? Discover 7 items to change periodically

In everyday life, we make use of a myriad of objects and accessories that lay around for months or even years. Maybe we make a moderate use of them but we might lose sight of when it is time to replace them with new ones.
The materials these objects are made of, and the substances with which they have come into contact with can generate chemical reactions that can compromise their hygienic properties and pose a risk to the safety of our health. This is the case with food containers, kitchen accessories and more. Find out more below:

The first thing to remember is that brushes, as well as combs of all kinds, must be washed carefully and not only freed from the hair that remains on them. This cleansing ensures better hygiene for the scalp and hair.
However, the average life of a brush - even with regular cleaning - is around 12 months! Replace them with new ones after this period of use.
Nail polish

There are instructions on the packaging of nail polish that tells us after how many months after opening they must be thrown away. Generally, however, they should not be kept for longer than a year and a half. And if you notice any signs of discoloration, pigmentation or texture changes, it's best to throw them away immediately (or use them for craft projects)!
Shower curtains

Shower curtains are in constant contact with water, surrounded by moisture and get dirty with soap residues, hair and more. They should therefore be washed carefully periodically, and after a year or so, it is advisable to change them.
Yoga and gymnastics mats

There are many different types of gym mats, but if they are used often, they become soaked in sweat and dirt, and should be washed frequently. Again, it is recommended to replace them with new ones after a year or so.
Kitchen knife block

Many of us keep our kitchen knives in wooden blocks, sticking the blades into the groves in the wood. Generally, the blades are clean when they go in, but they may not be completely dry. Also, dust and food crumbs get into these groves. This, in turn, leads to the proliferation of bateria and mold. As soon as mold or mildew stains are noticed, the knife block should be replaced.
Plastic food containers

These plastic containers should be avoided, given that any type of plastic contaminates food (even more so if used in the microwave). The duration of use should not exceed 12 months.
Plastic cutting boards

The same applies to plastic cutting boards too - even more so because of the cuts caused by blades in which bacteria and germs can lurk. It is advisable to use plastic cutting boards only for fruit and vegetables, and not for meat, fish, cold cuts and salami (for which metal is better), and to wash them carefully, replacing them after a year, or even sooner.
Did you know about these "expiration dates"?