No more smelly shoes: simple home remedies are sufficient

Sometimes it is due to the extreme heat of certain seasons; sometimes it is due to the fact of having walked for kilometers; in other cases, it is due to intensive training: the reasons that make our shoes stink can be many, but the result is always unpleasant for the house (or wherever the shoes are kept).
It is not always possible to put your shoes on a window sill or on a balcony to "air out" for a few hours. And keeping them closed in bags does not help at all. So, what are we to do? We can help with a number of DIY remedies that can make a real difference.

- The freezer: freezing shoes is not very practical, and it does not seem particularly hygienic. But there are many people who say they use this method and it is effective. You need to put the offending pair of shoes in a plastic bag, place them in the freezer and retrieve them after a night of ... cryotherapy!
- In not less serious cases, if you have some unused tea bags spare, you can place them inside the shoes. The tea bags absorb moisture and deodorize in a naturalist way.
- In a similar way, you can use coffee grounds, perhaps placed inside a breathable cloth or paper bag that is not too thick.
- Old, clean socks with baby powder or baking soda on them are another remedy to try.
- You could take advantage of soap leftovers, placed inside bags of light fabric which are then put in the shoes.
- If you have a few sheets of newspaper, ball them up and pour a few drops of essential oil on them. Once they are slipped into your shoes, they will begin to deodorize them.
In any case, never put your shoes in a closed and humid environment, and don't even do this after washing them - they need to dry out completely first as humidity can also cause unpleasant odors.