Discover how to grow kiwis at home: the method is very simple

Those with green thumbs generally love gardening. However, not everyone has the good fortune of having a garden or a vegetable patch where they can enjoy this passion. But something can be done about this.
At home, you can actually cultivate many things: from aromatic herbs to flowers, passing through to small fruit trees. There is no limit to the possibilities if you organize yourself properly.
This is clearly shown in a video on TikTok, which illustrates the procedure for growing kiwis.
via @creative_explained/TikTok

The video in question comes from @creative_explained, a user followed for the publication of content of this nature. And the procedure can be summarized in the few simple steps that are listed below:
- Cut a kiwi vertically and, with a knife, extract the seeds along with the pulp.
- Spread out on three absorbent paper towels, so that the pulp and seeds adhere to the paper. Then, bounce the seeds around on the paper to distribute them properly.
- Sprinkle some water into the paper and fold two or three times - then slip the package into a zip-lock bag. After about a week, when you open the paper packages, you should find sprouting seeds.

- At this point, the seeds that are ready can be planted into soil. Do this by using a pot half-filled with soil. Distribute the sprouts on the surface and then cover them with another layer of earth.
- Sprinkle the soil with water and cover everything with a clear plastic bag, placing the pot on the windowsill, so that it still gets sunlight. After a very short time, you should see the seedlings thriving.
- Continue to take care of the seedlings and you will be impressed by the results.
If you want to see all the steps of this method in detail, view the video here.
Have you ever grown kiwis in your home like this?