Why do we find water pooling in the refrigerator? Find out how it is formed and what to do to avoid it

How many times have you opened the door of your fridge and found water pooling in the bottom? Droplets of water that run down the interior walls and end up on the bottom shelf or in the vegetable drawer. And if this happens frequently it could pose a health risk. It could also be a sign of a problem with our appliance, which is obviously not working properly.
But why does this condensation form in the refrigerator? And above all, how can we prevent it from forming? Let's find out together:
Why does condensation form in the refrigerator?

The water is condensation, which is the humidity in the air which condenses upon contact with a cold surface. This phenomenon is quite common, due to the low temperature inside the fridge and high internal humidity of the air which enters when we open the door.
By purchasing the latest generation fridge, condensation should not occur at all, thanks to the new "no frost" technology that prevents this. However, frequent pooling means we are doing something wrong or that our refrigerator has some problem.
How to get rid of water from the refrigerator

An abnormal accumulation of water could simply be due to the drainage hole in the lower part of the fridge being blocked. This hole allows the condensate to be conveyed to a drip tray near the compressor (whose operation heats the water in the tray, allowing it to evaporate). We list the steps to clean the drain hole below:
- Unplug the refrigerator and empty it.
- Check the drain hole; it is highly likely that it is clogged with food residue or other dirt deposits, which is preventing the unobstructed flow of water.
- Clean the hole with the special brush that came with the fridge, or a toothpick and make sure it is clear by pouring a little water into it.
- Clean and dry the refrigerator thoroughly, plug it back in and restock it.
How to avoid a build up of condensation

If you have removed all the condensation from your refrigerator, remember to take some small steps to prevent it from reforming:
- Periodically check the drainage hole: it is easy for this hole to get clogged and by keeping it clear, you will avoid the hassle of having to deal with this problem in the future;
- To minimize the risk of residue settling in the drain hole, be careful not to place food in contact with the rear wall, where dripping condensation can pick up food particles;
- Make sure the seals of the fridge are intact and the door closes properly.
If even after all these precautions, you continue to find water pooling in your refrigerator, perhaps it is time to call a technician?