Three incredible household cleaning tips which can be done with just a few balls of aluminium foil

There are some types of cleaning and housework that, if done following certain steps, can give far better results. It is everyone's dream that the laundry comes out clean, fresh and soft as a cloud from the washer and dryer. Likewise, there is a widespread wish that the dishes are always squeaky clean and that the kitchen gleams.
Not everyone knows that there are some tips that can achieve these three goals. And all you need is a few sheets of aluminum foil rolled up into balls.
Thanks to a number of videos on TikTok, these tips are becoming very popular - and they really seem to work.

@lynsey_queenofclean, is one of the users who shows these techniques on TikTok. In one video, she shows how to perfectly clean an oven grill with a ball of aluminum foil. To do this, follow these steps:
- Ball up a sheet of aluminum foil, (even a used piece), but make sure it is still malleable.
- Put some liquid dish soap on the ball and start using it, like a sponge, scrubbing to remove the dirt from the grill.
- Once rinsed off, you should notice that the grill is shining again, thanks to the aluminum foil ball.
This tip can also come in handy for cleaning other steel kitchen items and some other types of cookware.

Two other tips have become well known and concern the use of aluminum foil balls in the dryer and dishwasher. In the first case (dryer), another video shows the procedure (which was published on TikTok by @mumscleaninglockdownlife). The second case (dishwasher) became famous on TikTok, thanks to a video published by Carolina Mccauley.
In both cases, these methods lead to excellent results:
- If you put one or two small balls of aluminum foil in the dryer, you will get softer and perfectly dry laundry. It appears that the aluminum helps to absorb water and electricity, drying clothes faster. Additionally, these balls can be reused for up to two months.
- Aluminum balls put in a dishwasher, on the other hand, will make the cutlery shine like never before. The explanation, in this case, is to be found in the chemical reaction triggered by the high temperature of the water, the tablet for the dishwasher and the aluminum. Apparently, the bicarbonate contained in the tablet, reacting with the aluminum, will thoroughly eliminate stains and streaking.
Have you heard of these tips before?