Bad smells emanating from the dishwasher: how to eliminate this in a few steps

The dishwasher is one of the most popular appliances today: thanks to its help, we can face any meal - even huge family lunches - with a smile on our faces and the knowledge we will not have to deal with a load of dirty dishes in the sink. However, can may happen that unpleasant odors can emanate from the dishwasher, due to dirty residue building up over time.
So, how can we avoid this happening? Let's find out together using these natural, DIY tips.
1. Before washing

First of all, it is important to make sure that there are no food or drink residue on glasses, plates and dishes, which could contribute to dirtying the dishwasher and causing bad smells. In the case of glasses in particular, do a quick rinse if they have been used for liquids other than water which can cause odors.
2. White vinegar

White vinegar helps us eliminate bad smells and more: used on steel pans, it allows us to make them shiny again, like new almost. You can use vinegar in the dishwasher by spraying a mixture of water and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 3 on glasses and other dishes; unpleasant odors will be eliminated in an instant during the washing.
3. Bicarbonate (baking soda)

In addition to all its other properties, bicarbonate also has a powerful anti-odor action: it is sufficient to sprinkle glasses with the powder when putting them in the dishwasher to obtain a deeper cleaning get rid of any bad smells.
4. Lemon

If you have run out of vinegar and baking soda but you have a lemon left in the fridge, you can put some peels on the racks next to the glasses. In addition to eliminating unpleasant odors, lemon peels will also help you make your glasses shine again.
5. Clean the dishwasher

If after trying all these remedies, you still smell unpleasant odors, it means that it is time to give the dishwasher a deep clean. Again, instead of resorting to commercial chemicals, you can use the same natural remedies listed above. Put 100 grams of bicarbonate or 2 tablespoons of citric acid or 1 liter of white vinegar int the bottom of the dishwasher and proceed with an empty wash at high temperatures. Your appliance will be as good as new!
One last tip: at the end of each wash, try not to leave the door closed. Allow air to circulate and time for it to dry out. With these easy tips, your dishwasher will remain your best friend!