Thorough cleaning of the toilet brush: a quick tip to make it sterile again

by Mark Bennett

October 30, 2022

Thorough cleaning of the toilet brush: a quick tip to make it sterile again

Of all the rooms in the house, the one which we probably pay the most attention to in terms of cleanliness is the bathroom. And in the bathroom, the cleaning focus is usually on the toilet. We take care to keep it clean, to avoid bad smells emanating and limescale from forming. For this, we frequently use a toilet brush.

Even this accessory must be cleaned constantly, and the time comes when it is no longer enough to just rinse it off. Periodically, the toilet brush must be cleaned thoroughly. Read on to find out how to do this correctly.

via @vekalife24/TikTok



You can do this by following the example from TikTokker, @vekalife24, which shows the various steps to take in a video on his account.

Equipment you will need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • A very large bucket or basin with high sides
  • Boiling water (it is best to use the kettle)
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • White vinegar

The ideal is to do the work outside: so if you have a garden, take out everything you need (which obviously also includes the toilet brush and the toilet brush holder).

In the video, we see a woman who scatters all the items to be washed on the ground. Then she sprays them with a DIY product to sanitize them. You can follow this step if you are sure that the product you use does not contain ingredients that cannot be mixed with vinegar and detergent - for example, classic bleach. If you want, however, you can rinse the pieces quickly before moving on to the next steps.

The procedure:

  • Put the various items to be washed inside the bucket.
  • Pour in the dish soap (you can go by eye, but don't overdo it or it will foam up too much).
  • Add a glass of white vinegar.
  • Pour in boiling water until all the items are submerged.
  • Stir the bucket a bit and leave for two hours.
  • Empty the bucket and rinse everything off thoroughly. You can do this with hot (not necessarily boiling) water.

If you want to use classic bleach, stick to this alone, along with the boiling water. Otherwise, you could use mild (non-chlorine) bleach, which can be mixed with the detergent.

By doing this cleaning once or twice a month, and by continuing to keep the toilet brush and its container clean and sanitized, you will ensure perfect hygiene in your bathroom.
