Overcome obstacles by thinking creatively - just like these nine people

by Mark Bennett

October 17, 2022

Overcome obstacles by thinking creatively - just like these nine people

Faced with an obstacle, however insignificant, there are those who freeze, those who ignore it, and those who decide to face it - perhaps finding an original and creative solution to solve the problem. The internet is full of such examples, and often people who have come up with brilliant ideas, or those who have witnessed them, share their findings online.

Some solutions can make you smile, but can also be inspiring. Here are some of them: maybe there are some here that you can use:



The wheels of an office chair often break, but it remains otherwise intact and servicable. What if you can't find a replacement wheel? Upgrade to inline skate wheels!



There are powerful vacuum cleaners that can pick up even the smallest piece of lint from carpets. But if you don't have one of these, you can use a squeegee.



Are you about to take a walk or go on a trip and are afraid of losing your AirPods? Equip yourself with earrings that will hold onto them!



For some, drinking cold coffee - or coffee prepared the day before - is a blasphemy. But does this mean that undrunk coffee must be thrown away? Definitely not! Simply do this: when the remaining coffee is completely cold, pour it into the trays used to make ice cubes, freeze, and the next time you want a cold coffee (or some drink has the taste of coffee), you can use these coffee cubes! Alternatively, they could become a coffee slushy!



Throwing confetti is an ancient tradition, from weddings to children's masquerades (and more!). But traditional confetti, made from paper, is a real waste of resources - as well as a nightmare to clean up, especially outdoors. Why not get a paper punch and make ecologically friendly confetti at no cost from dead leaves? They are even biodegradable!



Here's another idea to fight waste - and at the same time save a lot of money: say goodbye to kitchen paper towelling and replace it with lots of rags - perhaps even those made from old fabrics that are suitable for cleaning. And to dispense them easily, use a plastic bag holder!



If you have ever had to move thorny plants like cacti, you will have realized that it is a difficult undertaking in which you risk getting hurt. Someone has found the solution for this: using the model hands of the Hulk!



There are cats that like to wander, but some owners cannot live in anxiety waiting for them to come back home. And then there are cats who are so used to staying indoors that they can't venture outside anymore. This item solves both problems! It is a brilliant alternative to using nets that enclose balconies!

squidboots 9/Reddit

squidboots 9/Reddit

Cutting a whole mushroom into slices of the same identical size with a single action is possible; just use a boiled egg cutter!

What are the most ingenious solutions that have ever come across?
