How much fabric softener do you really need? You can save a lot by using the right doses

by Mark Bennett

October 17, 2022

How much fabric softener do you really need? You can save a lot by using the right doses

Fabric softeners are an essential product in doing laundry, but using more than prescribed doesn't mean you will get softer fabrics. It is true that, occasionally, we can replace commercial fabric softener with some DIY remedies (above all, white vinegar), but in regular washing, a fabric softener also helps us to reduce static, the appearance of creases and helps garments dry quicker.

There are many advantages to using softeners, but these can also be obtained by using less of the product than typically consumed. This will not compromise the results. In fact, it will be a more environmentally friendly, and will also result in significant savings.



How much fabric softener do you need?

  • If your laundry load is around 4 or 5kg, then 35ml will suffice. If the product you usually use does not have a measuring cap, buy a measuring cup to keep next to the washing machine.
  • If, on the other hand, the load is around 6 or 7 kg, you can use 50 or 60 ml of softener.

This is probably much less than what you usually use, but it will not effect the softness of the garments: in fact, when you overdo using softeners, they are not completely rinsed from the fabrics, and accumulate between the fibers. Paradoxically, then, your wash will be much less soft; secondly, the accumulation of product leads to bad smells; thirdly, instead of reviving the colors, the opposite will happen. This problem can be remedied by using white vinegar.

Furthermore, reducing the use of fabric softener is good for the environment, as almost all of these products are polluting. So, the key is not to use too much softener in your regular laundry washing.

It pays to be a little more careful when preparing the load for the next wash, don't you think?
