Get rid of stains and bad smells: 3 simple laundry tips to try

We usually do our laundry every week, even multiple times on occasion, and we certainly all have our favorite products. But how many times have you taken the clothes out of the washing machine and found that some stubborn stains have not completely disappeared?
There are certain types of dirt that, especially on particular fabrics, leave stains for a long time - if not permanently - and can force us to stop using these items. However, there are a number of tips that can sometimes work a miracle - many of which must be done before the wash. Below, are three tips that could solve this problem for you:

TikTokker @mama_mila lists these tips in one of her videos and they are really useful in many instances:
1. Oily or greasy spots on your clothes:
For these, the woman proposes the use a type of soap that she doesn't always think of using on clothes. This is a liquid dishwashing detergent, which is super effective against greasy and oily dirt on fabric. However, you are advised not to use this tip on delicate fabrics, and to always test the reaction caused by the detergents on an inconspicuous corner of the garment you intend to treat.
You will need baking soda for this tip. Pour a few drops of dish soap on the stain first, then a teaspoon or two of baking soda (even more, if necessary), and let it act for a few minutes before putting the garment in the washing machine for a usual wash.
2. Makeup stains on clothes:
Lipsticks and foundation always create visible stains on the collars of any garment. If you still haven't found a product that eliminates these stains satisfactorily, try shaving cream. It must be white, without gel components. Put it on the area to be treated and then, with a shaving brush, spread it over the fabric.
The secret is to act quickly, and you will see that the foam lifts out a lot of the stain, if not all of it. Thereafter, do a normal wash.
3. To deodorize bathroom mats:
These mats get wet all the time and can give off bad smells over time. Before washing them, beat them well, then place them back on the ground, sprinkle with baking soda and also pour a few drops of essential oil on the mat. Then wash as normal.
Watch the video here to see the various steps.