Stainless steel: Make the surfaces of your appliances shine with a simple DIY product

Stainless steel is a material that is used in many homes: robust, durable, easy to clean and sanitize, it is also chosen for its technical characteristics in the construction of many household appliances. From an aesthetic point of view, it is able to fit in very well in modern styles, and never really clashes with a rustically-styled home. For this reason, refrigerators, ovens, microwaves and many other indispensable appliances in the kitchen and at home are made from stainless steel.
But even though this metal does not oxidize, it does not mean that it does not get dirty - on the contrary. Marks left by the previous cleaning, fingerprints or the film of greasy dirt that often covers the kitchen units are all factors that leave their mark on stainless steel as well. So if you are looking for a DIY product to clean this steel, read on.

This DIY product recipe comes from TikTokker, @vekalife24.
In her video, the woman shows how she prepares and uses this DIY detergent. To do this you will need:
- 15 drops of baby oil (like Johnson's Baby oil)
- 120 ml of white vinegar (wine, alcohol or apple)
- 120 ml of water
Equip yourself with a half-liter spray bottle (but you can also increase the quantities proportionally and use a larger container), pour in the ingredients, close the bottle and shake well. At this point, you need 2 soft microfibre cloths.
For each use, spray the product directly on one cloth and then pass it over the surface, rubbing with linear and regular stokes. Once you have finished treating the entire surface, take the second, dry cloth and wipe on the metal until all traces of the product are cleaned off. In this way, all grease will be removed and your stainless steel appliance will shine again.
The TikTokker doesn't mention it, but you could consider adding a dozen (or so) drops of scented essential oil to the mix (such as peppermint, tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus or citrus).
Have you ever used a similar product at home?