Single doses to clean the toilet in an instant: you can easily prepare these at home

by Mark Bennett

November 07, 2022

Single doses to clean the toilet in an instant: you can easily prepare these at home

Nobody wants to spend more time than necessary to clean the toilet thoroughly.

So, acting promptly, and not letting too much time pass between one cleaning and another, are precautions that pay off. But these cleansings still involve having to use gloves, sponges and various detergents. What would you say about pre-preparing the detergent in doses which will be ready to use whenever you need them and without having to resort to anything more than the toilet brush?

via @vekalife24/TikTok



This is a popular remedy, which often comes in the form small tablets. There are those who use the tablets for the dishwasher, but this can prove expensive. Instead, using only four, very cheap and easy-to-find ingredients, you can replicate the recipe proposed by @vekalife24 in one of her videos on TikTok.


  • 180 grams of baking soda
  • 40 drops of your favorite essential oil
  • 80 ml of dish soap (or washing machine liquid, as long as it is liquid)
  • A bottle of vinegar. It can be white wine vinegar, alcohol or apple vinegar, whichever you prefer
  • A large jar or airtight container

The procedure is really easy: it involves mixing the baking soda, detergent and essential oil in this order, in a bowl. Work everything with your hands until you have a malleable mixture. Shape into balls about the size of a ping pong ball.

At this point, prepare a pan lined with parchment paper, and let your balls of dry detergent dry out for about a couple of hours or longer.

When they are no longer moist, place them in a jar or container, close the lid and keep it to hand in the bathroom.

At the time of use, you just need to put one in the toilet bowl, then pour in a little white vinegar and scrub the toilet with the toilet brush. You will clean away dirt and prevent bad odors, keeping your bathroom in excellent condition! Click here to watch the video.
