Dry your laundry quickly: with these 3 tips, rain need not be feared

Household chores are always a drag, and knowing some tips to speed them up can be a invaluable. The laundry is perhaps one of the chores that is the most challenging. How many times did you want to wear something that you eventually find at bottom of the dirty laundry basket? And how many times did you hang up the washing and it started raining? Or did you ever need to dry a dress in a hurry in order to wear it that evening?
But do not despair! There are some tips to dry laundry quickly, even if the weather is horrible. Let's find out what these are together:
1. A hairdryer

The first method is the simplest and quickest. You will certainly have all used it at least once to dry a small item of clothing such a pair of panties, or to dry a portion of a shirt that you have cleaned an annoying sauce stain from.
You can use the hairdryer by hanging the garment on a hanger and adjusting the heat according to the fabric: for wool and more delicate fabrics, use warm air; for robust fabrics, the hot setting can be used. Keep a safe distance between the hair dryer and the garment, so as not to risk scorching it and remember to focus on the most damp areas. And while you direct the hair dryer along the garment, move it with your hands to speed up the process.
2. A towel

Another effective method is to take a towel and spread it on the table. Then lay down your laundry on top, making sure that. Roll the towel up from one end to the other and wring out tightly so that the towel absorbs the excess moisture from the garment.
At this point, you can hang up your clothes, preferably in open air. Whether the weather is favorable or not, once the laundry has been hung up, the time for it to dry will be significantly reduced.
3. A plastic bag

The last tip is a bit unusual, but just as effective. When you take your laundry out of the washing machine, place it neatly inside a plastic bag and place it in the freezer; you can leave it in there until it is completely dry, even leaving itovernight. When you take the bag out of the freezer, just iron your clothes to remove the residual coldness, and the garment will be ready to be worn!
Did you know any of these tips? How do you usually do to speed up drying times?