11 times when people weren't afraid to be bold when decorating their bathrooms

Who among us would like to be told that our home is completely bland and devoid of character? Probably nobody, and in fact, when furnishing or adding some decoration to the various rooms we let ourselves be guided by our tastes and passions, displaying objects of various kinds and choosing materials and shapes that adapt to our favorite styles. Maybe, from time to time, we also let some more bizarre and boldly designed decor stand out.
The bathroom designs and decor we list below, however, goes from the sublime to the ridiculous. Read on to see some of these weird items:
A declaration of love for the steampunk style can also pass through the toilet pipes.
When the sinuous forms of Art Nouveau meet the psychedelic taste of neon, what can come out of it? This bathroom tried to answer the question.
The password to enter this Minions-themed bathroom is probably "banana".
And if you thought you were a mosaic lover, there is someone who has almost certainly surpassed you. It certainly isn't a problem in this house to recycle any broken pottery.
And what if the sink in a rustic bathroom was a trolley on rails that looks like it just came out of some mine?

When the love for ceramic decoration is so all-encompassing that it even appears in a bathroom.

There are so many ways to appear rich: this could be one of them.

It seems that these instruments are "played" in Belfast. We do not envy those who have to clean or maintain them.

A bathroom can hardly be more inclusive and non-discriminatory than this one in Japan.

Some may ask "who keeps a urinal in their house?". This is not the first question we would have asked ourselves upon seeing this art installation, but if you are interested, it seems that this is a piece installed at a plumbing company.

After all the effort to decorate the room in the pharaonic/Egyptian style, could one leave out a sarcophagus? The idea of turning it into a useful object, is brilliant.
What are the weirdest designs you've ever seen?