Old detergent bottles: 9 super-creative DIY projects to recycle empty ones

The plastic bottles that contain laundry detergent - or some bottles of detergents for cleaning the various surfaces of the house - are often made with a very thick, resistant material. The container must be able to preserve the chemical substances that make up the product without any risk of leaking, and have to be able to withstand considerable weight without deforming itself.
When we use up the product, the container often ends up in the trash. But with their qualities of strength and durability, detergent bottles can become excellent resources for creative projects. You can make useful accessories for tidying up or even imaginative decorations. Check out the tips below:

Cut away the bottom, but leave the cap and the handle: the container will become a sort of scoop with which you can do many things. Children can play with it on the beach in the sand, but it could also be useful for those who have to mix and use concrete.

By carefully cutting up a white (or translucent) bottles, you can make fantastic lights to decorate the garden with.

By cutting a hole in the center, and inserting a stick that protrudes just below the hole, you'll get a bird feeder which you can fill with seeds for your feathered friends. Hang it up high, where the birds will feel safe to pearch and feed.
Flatter bottles turn into convenient document holders for tidying up in the office, or acting as desk dividers.
By removing the upper part of the bottles ,a sort of basket with handles is created - useful, for example, in the garage to keep various types of screws, nails and other small objects in good order.
Those who collections magazines and divide them into categories, can use the bottles as document holders - and which also allow you to clearly see the spine of each publication.
With a few holes in the cap and four or five at the top of the handle, you will get a very handy, compact watering can - perfect for houseplants.
Then there are those who transformed bottles of detergent into perfectly decorated dollhouses with miniature pieces of furniture and even lights!
Finally, a very nice idea is to draw faces on the bottle and use plants to mimic hair (or hat decorations, for example)!
Have you ever recycled any detergent bottles?