11 imaginative ideas to revive home furnishings using unique-looking shelves

Although we can furnish our rooms adequately, it is very likely that we will also need some shelves to place objects on, like books and other knick knacks. Sometimes, then, it is useful to put up a few shelves.
Below, we show some captivating ideas for using shelves with a unusual designs, or that are mounted in a slightly less traditional ways. Check out these great ideas:
Sometimes, it is the arrangement that can give a more cheerful touch to the furnishings. For example, shelves can be mounted in a staggered, or in lateral manner.
Hexagons are very popular in furnishing trends, and here they often appear as an option for shelving. Here, they look like a bee hive on the wall.
A single wall, perhaps at a media station, with geometrically mounted shelves: this is a very versatile idea.
Any wall, or partition, can become a niche heaven (made from plasterboard).
Some ultra-modern designs are fascinating for their simplicity.
And what about a wall where stone shelves (or even suspended shelves) intersect with rectangular, wooden shelves of various sizes?
For a more eclectic style with a vintage flavor, antique-style coffee tables and furniture cut in half and fixed to a wall are a feature that is not easily forgotten.
Shelving made from metal pipes and wood come in many combinations. All can be adapted to the space available.
If you would like to use the shelf for displaying plants, you could also make one from old drawers.
Ropes and wooden boards: a system of hanging up shelves that also decorate an entire wall.
The idea of making letters out of wooden boards can also be very nice - to be filled with books and knick knacks of your choice.
Which idea do you like best?