Ink stains on clothes: a method to try to make them disappear easily

Everyone has had pen ink leak onto their clothes. And fixing this disaster is always difficult and a real challenge.
However, when dealing with smaller ink spots, even if they are still very visible, it is necessary to act quickly to get them to disappear. On TikTok, the @lacasadimattia account shows that sometimes it is possible to achieve excellent results with a product that is readily available in any supermarket or cleaning products store.

The TikTokker shows us a blouse made of synthetic suede fabric, which has been marked by a subtle, but unmistakable, stroke of a ballpoint pen on the pocket. It's not that the garment cannot be worn, but it is difficult to ignore the mark.
The product the young man tested was a fabric stain remover - specifically, one that contains alcohol. This is, in fact, the fundamental ingredient that acts against ink.
How is it used in such a case?
- A little of the product is sprayed directly on the mark;
- After having allowed the stain remover to act for a while, the garment is put in the washing machine, on a synthetics wash cycle (in this case, at 30 °).
That's it! The result shown in the video speaks for itself. Click here to see it.
Alcohol is one of the most effective ingredients for dissolving ink stains. @lacasadimattia also mentions it as a home remedy often used in similar cases, along with acetone (nail polish remover).
But be careful not to use alcohol too copiously or frequently: any product containing alcohol can damage synthetic fabrics such as acetate, triacetate, modacrylic and acrylic fibers. Therefore, if you want to use alcohol directly on fabrics of this type, you will need to dilute it with water, in a ratio of 1: 2, i.e. one part alcohol and two parts water (50 ml of alcohol and 100 ml of water).
What's your favorite remedy for removing ink stains?