Stained cloth sandals? Find out how you can make them look as good as new again

In the hottest periods of the year, we change the contents of our cupboards: heavy clothes disappear, and fabrics that are thinner and more breathable replace them. And shoes are often replaced with sandals.
There are many types of sandals and all of them come into contact with the dirt, sweat, moisture, and more. It is inevitable that they get stained and dirty by these elements. So what can we do when it comes to fabric shoes - perhaps expensive ones - that we don't want to risk putting in the washing machine? We can use a convenient cleaning method, illustrated in a TikTok video posted by @vanesamaro91.

While synthetic sandals can be washed regularly, for cloth sandals and shoes it is best not to use a heavy hand.
The cleaning expert shows us how she cleans fabric footwear for her customers: the product she uses, and which she considers best, is a stain remover for dry fabrics. It is a foam - which is found on Amazon, (but equivalent products can also work), designed to clean stains from fabrics and upholstery without using water.
Here's how to best clean a cloth sandal or shoe:
- Take a clean cloth and spray the stain remover on it - do not use the product directly on the stain!
- Rub the foam on the stain to be treated, dabbing it well and you will see that it disappears quickly.
- Remove all residue dirt with a brush.
- If there is dirt buildup on the edges of labels on the insole, or in the joins of the fabric of the sandal, remove it with thin-tipped tools (in the video a kind of plastic spatula), or an old toothbrush.
- If there are leather inserts, clean and moisturize them with a product suitable for leather care.
The footwear will look like new again and you can see the results acheived in the video.