Cast iron grill pans: discover how to clean them perfectly

There are dishes that, to be enjoyed at their best, deserve a particular cooking method: this is the case for grilled meats, fish and vegetables which we cook with the help of grill pan.
In most cases, these kitchen accessories are made of cast iron: a thick and heavy metal, which keeps the heat for a long time and spread it evenly over the entire surface, so as to ensure a perfect cooking surface! Lovers of grilled dishes will certainly often resort to using this cooking method, making their favorite foods sizzle on a grill pan. But can we do then when, as soon as we remove the meat or other foods, and the grill pan remains encrusted with food residues?

There are some cooking rules that work as preventive measures to avoid food residue getting deposited on the grill pan in the first place:
- Preheat the pan for at least 7-8 minutes, over medium heat, so that the heat spreads to every point and there are no cold areas where the food will cook slower.In particular, with meat, it is best to heat the pan first. But when the meat has started to release its juices (which forms a crust on the outside), lower the heat as you continue to cook;
- Limit (or avoid) the use of sauces on cooking foods, especially if they contain sugar: when it caramelizes it becomes really difficult to remove.
Cleaning: water, but not just water

- The best method to clean a grill pan is a timely one based on plain water: as soon as it is finished cooking, just wait until the plate is a warm, but not too hot. Then pass it under running water (preferably starting lukewarm, then turning hot), so as to perform a sort of steam cleaning. Then leave very hot water in the pan to dissolve fat and residues.
- If you need to wipe off any remaining dirt, preferably use non-abrasive sponges. There are also accessories in special materials (such as certain polycarbonate stirrers) that are designed to slip between the grooves of the grills and lift all the dirt manually.
- Especially in the case of cast iron, it is always advisable to avoid using soap at all costs. So, if no other remedy works, use soap as a last resort. It is best to try another popular trick first - table salt. Pour some on the pan (make sure it is not too hot) and then with a little folded kitchen paper, scrub the salt on the surface, focusing on any encrustations.
- If you want to avoid uisng soap or salt altogether, you can also try this: put the cast iron grill (if it does not have wooden parts, however) in the oven at 250 ° for an hour (some say even two), to charr all residual food. Let it cool down completely, and then, using a wire brush, you can brush off all the residue. When it is well cleaned, sprinkle a thin layer of oil on it with the help of a paper towel and place it in the hot oven for a few minutes - until you start to smell the oil itself. Let it cool down and rub away the excess oil. This way, you will also have seasoned the cast iron!
How do you usually clean your grill pan?