Rock salt to combat bad smells: how to clean the toilet with this economical and effective mixture

by Mark Bennett

September 10, 2022

Rock salt to combat bad smells: how to clean the toilet with this economical and effective mixture

Salt is not only a fundamental ingredient for our kitchens - useful for flavoring and making our dishes tastier - it is also very useful for many other purposes, both as a beauty product and for home care. As a beauty remedy, it is a very good scrub when combined with olive oil; at home it is an excellent anti-humidity product for our rooms. It is effective against mold for in wardrobes; it can be used to clean silver, and can eliminate fungus and rust stains.

Another use of salt in our homes is as a deodorant: in shoes or in the refrigerator, we all know how to use it to eliminate bad smells. But have you ever thought that you could use it as an deodorant in the bathroom? Indeed, try putting it in the toilet and you will see what wonderful results you get!



Does your bathroom smell bad and are you looking for an ecologically sound and natural way to eliminate it? Salt is the right remedy for you! Pour a handful mixed with baking soda into the bowl (and maybe scented with an essential oil of your choice). Leave it overnight and you will see great results!

For a more thorough cleaning and a more incisive action, you can also use salt to clean the entire toilet, even on the sides of the bowl. A blend of salt and baking soda can be used for this purpose. Bad smells will disappear instantly!

To prepare the blend, you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of rock salt
  • 4 tablespoons of detergent
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 drop of white vinegar

Keep reading and give it a try!



Just mix all the ingredients in a bowl, then put on rubber gloves and with a clean cloth, take the mixture from the bowl and rub it on the walls of the toilet bowl. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse off and dry with a clean cloth, preferably a microfibre one. And that's it: your toilet will finally be free from those annoying odors for a long time! And the beauty is that you can prepare the same mixture by adding essential oils for a different fragrance; your bathroom will smell different every time, but it will always smell clean!

Have you ever used salt as a deodorant in your bathroom? What do you use at home?
