Oil stains on the garage floor or driveway - make them disappear using a simple method

It is common for the car, or perhaps even some tools used for garden maintenance, to leak a few drops of oil, ruining the flooring. Whether on an outdoors driveway or on the floor of the garage or a tool shed, these greasy stains attract more dirt, gives off bad smells and are generally undesirable.
There preventive measures can help us - especially in the parking area - when the stain has already appeared? Some methods can solve this problem, like the ones described below:

Those who do not want to have to frequently clean stains like this, usually resort to a solution that is not nice to looka t, but does work: cover the ground under the leak with cardboard beforehand. The cardboard will protect the floor from the leak.
However, if you had not alread done this, or the stain occurs in another area where it was unexpected, then you can try a cleaning method illustrated effectively by on the @livecomposed account on TikTok:
- Equip yourself with a powerful degreaser (if possible, choose those made from natural substances, since you will be dealing with something highly polluting) and a brush with hard bristles;
- Spray the product copiously on the stain;
- Scrub quickly;
- Rinse everything off using the water hose.
It really is that simple. There are those who, instead of degreasers, use detergent for washing dishes or liquid detergent for the dishwasher - which should also be used in small quantities.
However, if the stain is large and dense, it would be best to remove the bulk of it first, absorbing it with a highly hygroscopic material. And in this case, sawdust (which is very cheap) or cat litter is generally used. Sprinkle either on the stain, and wait for it to soak as much of the leak as possible; then sweep up with a dustpan and brush. Remember, however, to always check the rules for the disposal of toxic waste with your municipality, since it cannot be thrown away together with normal garbage.
What's your favorite method for cleaning oil and fuel stains?