Useful tips for cleaning and polishing doors using natural products

Keeping doors clean, removing dust and stains from them using simple rags and elbow grease is tiring, and is not always effective (especially when also considering the height and construction of the door). In addition, chemicals, especially when it comes to wooden doors, can damage the surface. So why not use natural methods and products and some tips that facilitate a better result?
To this end, we describe some useful tips below:

- Prepare a microfiber cloth, Marseille soap, baking soda, water and flat-topped mop (do not use a broom). A broom has long bristles which will not make your job easier and could damage the door.
- Once you have the equipment, mix the Marseille soap with the baking soda, in small doses and in equal parts. To facilitate this task, you can first dissolve the soap so that it becomes liquified. Together with the baking soda, make a paste which, when diluted in a bucket of water, will be your cleaning product.
- Wrap a cloth around the mop head, immerse in the solution and carefully pass it over the surface of the door, being sure to reach all the corners and rubbing vigorously in areas where you see stubborn dirt.
- At the end of the operation, rinse the cloth out by wringing it out and wipe the door down again, removing any water which could cause streaking.

- After cleaning, you can shine up the surface of the door by passing a cloth with vegetable oil over it, which will nourish the wood. Using, for example, olive oil, you can nourish and shine up the door. Use a cloth to apply the oil and let it sink into the wood. Remove any excess oil with another dry cloth. At the end of the process, the surface will be dry, but very shiny. This is a treatment you can do from time to time (in conjunction with other wood-treatment products).
Give this method a try and you will not regret it.