8 ingenious ways to live life more efficiently

It is admirable to avoid creating unnecessary waste by reusing an object repeatedly for long as possible; eating without dirtying any plates, for example, is one way to preserve precious resources.
Sometimes, we find a solution ourselves; sometimes, we learn of solutions found by others: below, you will find some tips that are worth knowing and trying out.
Dunk biscuits without getting your fingers dirty

Have you ever considered that dunking biscuits always dirties your fingers with milk or tea? If the biscuits are of a shortbread variety, nothing can be done (unless you have a spoon at hand). But in the case of filled biscuits - for example the famous Oreos - a fork, or even a pair of chopsticks, may suffice. Just gently insert the prongs into the filling, and you can dunk without getting anything dirty. Chopsticks can also used in a similar way, placing them between the two layers of a biscuit!
Improvised lamp

In an emergency situation - when maybe the light suddenly goes out, for example - you may not have a torch or a candle to hand, but you will probably have a cell phone and a bottle of water, made from clear plastic.
Put the bottom on the torch of the cell phone and here you will have a DIY lamp ... as long as the battery in your cell phone lasts!
Spectacular roast potatoes

To present spectacular-looking roasted potatoes, and without having to spend hours with a knife "carving" shapes, you can use an apple corer to cut the potatoes into wedges. Without cutting through completely, you will get segments attached at the bottom, like a beautiful flower.
Renew the bristles of the broom

How many times do you replace a broom with a new one because the bristles are damaged? Often, however, they are just bent and not worn out. In these cases, you just need to equip yourself with sharp scissors and cut away the damaged ends, (as evenly as possible), and your broom will be restored at no cost at all.
Open windows and safe cats

If you do not have bars or mosquito nets that allow you to keep the windows open without the risk of your pets escaping, you could deploy the barriers used to prevent children from accessing dangerous areas of the house.
Clean up paint easily

When using a paint roller, with its dip tray, it is tedious to clean this container afterwards. But if you lined it first with a plastic bag (garbage bags are fine too), or with cling film (which is a bit more delicate), you will save yourself a lot of work!
Dry bags faster

If you usually wash out ziplock bags for food (so you can reuse them several times over), you have noticed how difficult it is to get them to dry out quickly. You use salad or ice tongs, to keep the bag open while it dries.
Play board games endlessly

Anyone who loves to play board games knows that the boards (or other playing items) wear out quickly, forcing one to replace them often.
One case is the various playing cards in certain games that are filled in by players. So, how can one avoid that these itmes are ruined, or that loads of photocopies have to be made to keep playing? Just laminate these items. So you can then write on each document many times using whiteboard markers!
These are useful tips, don't you think?