7 useful tips worth knowing to make everyday life easier

We open a packet of cookies but then do not have a clip to close it. We would like to waterproof our shoes, or remove limescale stains from the taps. For these and many other daily chores, there are numerous DIY methods that can simplify your life.
Try out the tips below - we are sure they will soon become your favorites!

Video tutorial via CrazyRussianHacker/YouTube
Always having clips or pegs to hand to close open packages is very convenient, but we don't always have one available. It is therefore useful to know a technique to close packages without resorting to using these tools. In the case of tubular biscuit packages, made from thin plastic, you can learn how to fold the open end so that it stays closed by its own.
Do you need to remove a nail from the wall? To avoid leaving marks when prying it out with a hammer, place a regular sponge on the wall itself, to act as a buffer between the metal and the wall.

Tutorial via instructables.com
Do you want to continue wearing your favorite boots or shoes even when it's raining? You can try waterproofing them with beeswax. Choose a pure wax, clean / wash and dry the shoe's uppers carefully, then spread the wax over the entire outside of the shoe.
At this point, insert some newspaper inside the shoes, use a hairdryer to melt the layer of wax and let it penetrate the upper a little, as evenly as possible. When everything dries, the shoe will be water repellent.

Don't strain when you have to wash the blender: just fill it with water with a little soap and operate it as usual! If there is more difficult residue to remove, leave the water in the blender's beaker for a while before operating the appliance.

Tutorial via kitchenfunwithmy3sons.com
Did you know that boiled eggs can be prepared in an oven? It is an alternative method that comes in handy when you can't use the stove top. It takes a little longer, but it works!

When you notice limescale building up on steel taps, you probably use a detergent, or vinegar or lemon to remove it. Well, just like in the case of lemon, you can also use cucumbers!
Did you know any of these tips?