Secret passages in the house: 12 ways to be surprised by the furniture

It is the dream of any child, but only some manage to translate it into reality when they grow up: having secret passages to secret places with cleverly hidden entrances disguised by furniture. It's a fun way to make your home more exciting!
To create secret rooms and entrances like this is a real art. The classic icon of the bookcase, with a shelf that rotates on itself to reveal a secret passage, never goes out of fashion.
And then there are the hatches that are hidden in the ceiling or secret spaces under the floorboards, and more. Check out these creative ideas:
It looks like any cupboard in the kitchen, but instead, it is a gateway to an entire room used as a pantry: a triumph of flavors waiting to be cooked.
When you think it is a door, and maybe it is ... but there is another one hidden in the wall!
Imagine: you are hanging up your jacket, and the wall opens!
A dream for lovers of reading: a personal space, near a splendid window, but hidden behind the ancient bookcase.
When the secret room is in the ceiling, and you get there using a trap door. Diguising the entrance as the canopy of a tree is a great idea.
A bedroom that is truly the realm of intimacy. It is accessed from a closet!
A bookcase that conceals a door is a classic that will never cease to fascinate.
More hatches in the ceiling: they are great fun for children!
Mirrored walls are perfect for concealing a door to another room with the world's oldest optical illusion.
It looks like an original wall decoration until you see someone climbing up the wall to reach a secret compartment in the ceiling.
A secret door that would make all fans of the Chronicles of Narnia happy.
When the secret room is for grown-ups' enjoyment, it is probably a cellar under the kitchen floor.
Would you like to have such secret areas at home?