Calcium-infused water: Learn how to make a natural fertilizer using egg shells

Among the various substances that plants need to grow and develop is calcium, which is sometimes lacking in the growing medium. And there is a very easy remedy to correct this problem using eggs and vinegar.
Plants show us when they need calcium: generally, symptoms appear on the leaves and younger tissues, which grow poorly. The leaves will have irregular shapes, with brown spots around the edges (which spreads to the center).
In these cases, the plant can be helped by integrating calcium in a water-soluble form, so that the roots and other systems of the plant can assimilate it easily. Read on to find out how to prepare this remedy:
via College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

What you will need:
- Egg shells
- Brown rice vinegar (this is the one used in the TikTok article, but you can also use normal rice vinegar or white wine vinegar)
- Two glass jars
- Baking tray or pan
- A piece of light, breathable fabric (cotton or linen in oil, muslin)
- Rubber bands
- A colander

How to proceed
- Remove the inner membrane from each shell (that thin white film).
- Roughly break up the shells.
- Put the fragments in a baking dish (at low temperature) or on a pan (on a low heat): you need to lightly heat the shells for 45 minutes, so as to kill any organisms that may contaminate the final product.
- The shells must be very dry, slightly browned, but not charred.
- Fill a glass jar 2/3 full with vinegar.
- Add the chopped and roasted shells. The ratio will be 1:10, so one part shells for ten parts vinegar.
- You will find that the shells will float in the liquid, producing bubbles: it is at that stage that the calcium dissolves into the solution.
- Cover the jar with the lightweight fabric, holding it in place with rubber bands.
- Store in a cool, dark place for 7-10 days.
- After this period of time, check for bubbles, and when they are gone, the water-soluble calcium is ready.
- Otherwise, add more treated shells and wait another two days, possibly repeating the operation until you no longer see bubbles.
- Then filter everything using a colander, pouring the liquid into a clean jar.
Keep away from the sun, at room temperature.

How is this natural fertilizer used?
Dilute 5 ml of this solution in 5 liters of water, and you can spray it directly on the leaves, preferably in the evening after sunset or very early in the morning, but without overdoing it. A thin layer of product is enough - you don't need it dripping from the leaves.
Happy gardening!