10 items we always use at home but that we (almost) never clean

Cleaning the house makes us immediately think about the floors, bathroom fixtures, work surfaces, glass and similar, but it doesn't immediately spring to mind that there are also many other objects that have been dirty for very long periods. Some are the cleaning tools themselves, which periodically must be cleaned themselves (even better after each use), in order to work better and for longer dealing with the hygiene in the home.
Others are accessories that we have at home or are even parts of the objects we do wash, but not thoroughly. This is certainly not the case for everyone, but no doubt, many of us will have to admit that they don't often clean door knobs or even the cutting / knife holder block. Find out here what other items you may have neglected cleaning:

Knobs and handles on the lids of pots: when you wash a lid of a pot by hand, most likely you pass the sponge all over the metal surface, above and below. But who carefully cleans the knob / handle with which it is held?

Sponges to clean / wipe dishes and various surfaces: sponges are used to mop up and remove dirt. We certainly rinse them out thoroughly after use, but will they truly be clean? Generally, this is not the case. To ensure that germs and bacteria are eliminated from a sponge, specific methods or suitable products must be used. A simple remedy is to wet them a little and then put them in a microwave for a minute.

The same goes for dustpans and brushes / brooms: after using them, especially on those occasions when they have been used to sweep up a lot of dirt, it is best to remove all the dirt from the bristles using your hands (protected with rubber gloves). Some brooms come equipped with special combs to do this. From time to time, you can soak the broom and the dustpan in some warm water with a drop of dishwashing liquid and then let them dry properly.

And obviously, the same method should be applied to mops, whatever kind they are. In this case, it is best to clean mops more often than brooms. To wash them, it is best to use products which have high sanitizing properties, such as bleach.

We touch them every day, and usually by more than one person: these are the handles and knobs of doors and furniture units. It is worth remembering to wash them with the correct products (depending on the material they are made of).

The knives block: it is true that the knife blades that are put in the block are usually clean, but dirt still gathers in the cracks and slots. Every now and then, empty the block, turn it over, knock it against a firm surface (gently) and, if possible, wash it using a little water and dishwashing liquid. Then allow it to dry out thoroughly.

Reusable shopping bags: especially those into which we put fruit and vegetables (not so much those used to carry canned food), must be washed periodically. And you can also do this in the washing machine, if they are made of fabric.

The colander or strainer: even you use it only to rinse off fruit or vegetables, you should be wash it, just like any other kitchen accessory.

Blenders: to make sure you really thoroughly clean all the parts of a hand blender's blades, always soak them in hot water with a little soap for at least half an hour before washing them. Then try to get use your fingers or a sponge (or bottle brush) to deal with any stubborn dirt and food residue.

Not just on top of wall units, but also above and behind the refrigerator, a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates, so this should never be neglected.
A little effort will give you a really clean home!