It takes only a moment to decorate the toilet paper rolls with a rose or other creative shapes

Thoroughly cleaning the bathroom means, first of all, spending time taking care of every hidden surface and corner in detail, tidying up all the objects laying around, and then taking care of every nook and cranny carefully, so that all areas are cleaned and sanitized properly. But it is also the time in which we can rearrange all the bathroom accessories (and other useful objects), repositioning them in order to create a neat and clean environment. And this becomes even more pressing an issue when we expect to have guests.
In these cases, in fact, we probably dedicate ourselves to the cleaning with an eagle's eye (which we generally would not do during our routine cleaning chores). And a small thing that can make a big difference, is to decorate the toilet paper rolls. In fact, the edges of the roll can be folded so that they form the shape of leaves or flowers, like a rose, for example. And this takes very little effort.

Video tutorial via @vanesamaro91/TikTok
To fold the toilet paper quickly so that it takes on the form of a rose you simply need to follow these steps:
- Unroll a bit of the toilet paper, to a length equivalent to about 5 pieces / squares of paper and place this piece flat on a dry surface.
- Pinch the strip of toilet paper in half, so that it folds in on itself along its entire length.
- Wrap this now tighter, thicker strip around a couple of your fingers, moving up towards the roll.
- When you are almost at the roll, take a piece of the strip of paper that goes to the roll with your fingertips and pull it into the "band" of paper rolled around the fingers, extracting from the center just enough so that it faces you and thus "secures" the knot on the roll.
- Reposition the decorated roll and that's it!
You can see a video of this folding technique here.

Tutorial via @bornunicornyt/TikTok
For this decoration, even a single piece / square of toilet paper at the tip of the roll is enough.
- Fold half of the square on itself, up and to the right, making a triangle.
- Fold this triangle on itself to create a pleated effect, starting from the tip on the right and moving towards the longer side.
- Hold the pleated band in the center and fold it back to create another triangle.
- You will end up with two halves of a "leaf" with folds, to be placed obliquely on the roll.
You can see how easy this is to do by clicking here.
Rhombus triangle

- We start this shape as in the leaves technique (above), by folding a flap of paper up and to the right to create a triangle.
- Then you need to take the bottom right tip of this triangle and fold it to the left so that all sides match and a triangle forms that points down, in the center.
- Fold everything up twice to form a rectangle.
- Take each of the top two corners of the rectangle respectively and fold the towards the center, as you do when creating paper boats.
- Unroll the paper and you will have a diamond-shaped (rhomboid) tip at the bottom vertex of the triangle!
You will certainly understand these techniques better by watching this instructional video.
Can you make decorations like these?