Outdoor flower pots: 11 fabulous ideas to decorate your garden tastefully

Is it possible to embellish the garden beautifully using pots and spending very little money? Of course it is! A vase / pot may seem, to those who do not have a creative eye, a neutral and bland object, useful only for holding the plants that grow in them. Well, that's not the case at all. Pots, of whatever kind, are versatile objects and capable of becoming many different things. They can decorate rooms in a magnificent way.
While maintaining their primary function of containing plants and flowers, they can also be used creatively to create features and small works of art. If, on the other hand, you want to keep a more classic or sober style for your garden, just arrange them with care, imagination and an informed aesthetic sense. Even the most common terracotta pots, if used and positioned wisely, will make a big difference. And all this can be achieved without spending too much money or relying on an expert gardener.
So, here are some ideas for you that will help you to use your pots in a creative and original way.

Just by painting the vases / pots different colors and arranging them according to your taste, (by color and / or the flowers they contain), the overall result will be wonderful.

An idea popular with many is to use earthenware or terracotta jugs and amphorae instead of classic plant pots. They come in all sizes and can be used in different ways. In addition to the usual way of having the plant come out of the main neck opening, you can make other openings on the "belly" of the amphora to grow the plant out from this spot, perhaps placing the amphora itself horizontally.

And if the terracotta-colored vases appear too bland but you don't want to paint them, you can always decorate them with ribbons, fabrics and beads in any color you want. Make way for your imagination to run wild! The effect will be awesome.

Are you someone who loves gravel? That's great, as pots also look good placed in the middle of an area covered with gravel. Indeed, strategically positioned, they could simulate ancient ruins in the middle of a rocky land.

It is not a rule that pots must contain plants and flowers. They can be used as an ornament by themselves, especially in the case of amphorae (and perhaps placed near to a flower bed with colorful flowers).
For those who have greater manual skills and a creative flair, on the other hand, a really detailed project - but one with great visual impact - is the creation of environments and landscapes within the pot itself. These are imaginative miniature terrariums. Using other pots, you can recreate miniatures of fantasty interiors and exteriors. Micro gardens, houses, fairies and other small details will give life to real works of art.
Another ingenious idea is to stack the pots, one on top of the other, in ascending order and fill them with small succulents of different types. The overall effect will amaze you.
The idea of putting many different plants in the same pot to create a terrarium can also be adapted to a single, larger pot in which to recreate a mini garden. With lots of gravel and neat planting, your pots will look spectacular.
And why not indulge yourself using different shapes and materials? A square pot in stone could be a valid alternative. But there is really plenty of choices out there.
By stacking the pots, as in the previous example, you can also show off your creativity. By replacing succulents with colored flowers you will get a different, but equally colorful and scenographic result, with a slightly country feel.
You can even consider hanging pots on a garden wall, creating work of art. In this example, you have a "plant made up of plants", so to speak.
And with pots, you can still do loads of great things for your gardens. Start experimenting now - you will have a hard time stopping yourself.