8 miniature, succulent gardens that you will find absolutely irresistible

Beautiful and easy to grow, succulents lend themselves perfectly to the creation of miniature gardens, ideal for beautifying the outdoors but also as original gifts. Furthermore, these small, green masterpieces do not require great gardening skills and can be made with everyday objects, such as colanders or fruit crates, old chairs, broken vases, and picture frames.
The important thing is to use soil suited to succulent plants and, where possible, insert a substrate of gravel to avoid water stagnation problems. As for the varieties, choose the ones that best suit the type of garden you want to create, taking into account the size, shape, colors and, last but not least, your personal tastes. All you have to do is take a look at the 8 irresistible ideas listed below:
Do you have an old, wooden picture frame? Don't throw it away - turn it into a beautiful wall vase. Just apply a net over the frame, put in the soil, cut out the net in selected places and plant the succulents, alternating with different species.
Even chairs you no longer use lend themselves to this unique metamorphosis. You can completely cover the seat with succulents and place the chair in a strategic corner of the garden. It certainly won't go unnoticed (but don't sit on it!).
Do you have a creative streak? Get 2 terracotta pots, one large and one smaller. Fill the large vase with white pebbles and put the other vase onto the surface, half buried. Place succulents sprouting from the smaller pot as if they were flowers in a pot.
With an old broken vase or pot, you can create a decidedly original mini-garden. Get some jars, fill them with soil and plant the succulents in them. Place the jars inside the broken vase / pot to create your mini-garden.

Wooden boxes / crates are particularly versatile and you can also use them to create miniature gardens. Just fix a net inside and plant the chosen succulents into it: then hang the box on the wall or place it somewhere in the garden.
Do you want a mini garden to hang on the door? Get about twenty, small earthenware pots and secure them to a wire wreath. In some pots, plant moss and succulent plants, securing them with split pins. This wreath will certainly become a feature of your home.

Here is another very versatile material: the wooden pallets. Get one, paint it in your favorite color, place a moss mat on it and then the succulents, securing them with a drop of hot glue.
From a simple colander to a delightful miniature garden. It doesn't take much: a colander, a piece of nylon (an old pair of tights, for example), soil and succulents. Line the inside of the colander with the nylon. After making a few small holes in the nylon (to allow drainage), add the soil and finally the plants. You just need to experiment with these amazing ideas to find the right one for you.