Useful tips to clean and disinfect the entire bedroom

We all know that the mattresses and pillows we sleep on every night are the perfect breeding grounds for mites and bacteria, but they're not the only surfaces in the bedroom where these pests can lurk. A fairly thorough routine cleaning will keep the most serious problems at bay, but there is always time to do more. And perhaps a deep cleansing should be done more frequently when there is someone in the home who has a respiratory problem (or similar ailments).
In fact, respiratory problems could be a sign of the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in the bedroom. So how do we disinfect the room? Read on to find out more:

- Change the sheets and blankets often: the average is once a week, but if we have sweated profusely, you should change the sheets as often as possible.
- Every day, the bed must be made properly, shaking out the sheets and pillows. If possible, on sunny days, put the bedding in the sun to kill off fungus, mold and other pests.
- Air your bedroom out every day for half an hour while you make your bed in the morning.
- When cleaning the room, always vacuum the bed (with an appropriate accessory), and when you change the sheets, vacuum the mattress as well.
- As for the mattress specifically, use sodium bicarbonate and eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil: add 4 or 5 drops of essential oil to a bowl of bicarbonate, mix well and sprinkle the mixture on the mattress. Let it stay on the mattress while you do the other cleaning tasks; once done, vacuum the mattress again.

- Don't forget the curtains: they attract a lot of dust and release it into the room as well. So vacuum them frequently too. Additionally prepare a deodorant made from alcohol, water and teatree essential oil which you can spray on them. Remember to wash your curtains regularly. The same goes for blinds and fly screens.
- Window panes and sills also need to be cleaned thoroughly, for the same reasons.
- The floor: if the floor is made of a material that will not be damaged by bleach (diluted in water), use this to clean the floor. Alternatively, use products suitable for the type of flooring material. For example, you can use DIY products made from vinegar and/or hydrogen peroxide.
- Obviously, do a thorough dusting, always starting from the top of the room and gradually working downward.
- Handles and light switches are other items that are often forgotten when cleaning - pay attention to these.
These chores certainly take time, but once you have established a routine, it will be easy to get the job done without too much effort.