A clean home in just one hour: it might be easier than you think

Ideally, each of us gets the time to cleaning the home. In reality, however, this is often not the case. Everyday commitments hinder us and maybe we are forced to do something else more pressing on a weekend. But what can you do when you suddenly have to host someone and you don't have much time to tidy up the whole house?
You will need to clean efficiently, without wasting effort on useless activities and making the most of the available time. Even one hour could be enough to restore order and cleanliness to your home.

Author, Shifrah Combiths, writes about the life-saving method that she uses in these situations. Here is the method she described in the Apartment Therapy portal (an online site):
- Everyone out of the house: only the cleaners must be in the house, so now is the right time for others to walk the dog, run errands or anything else that leaves the house free. Or alternatively, others can go to rooms that won't be cleaned anyway... but from which they must not leave until the cleaning is finished!
- Don't clean everything: There are rooms that guests are unlikely to enter, as well as surfaces in a room that won't stand out even if they aren't exactly spotless. Bedrooms, closets, home offices... anything that isn't a "visible" space in which to entertainthe guests can be skipped.

Shifrah also suggestswe always proceed with cleaning in the same order: This will make it easier to move quickly, given the familiar habit. No time is wasted changing tools and cleaning products either.
- The first thing is to give the area the semblance of order, and there's no better way than to pick up everything you can't put away immediately: equip yourself with a laundry basket (with wheels for these occasions!) or some large container (maybe even a box) and collect up all the clothes or objects that you don't have time to put away in their proper spots. You can put the boxes in one of the rooms that won't be cleaned and deal with them later.
- Don't underestimate how useful just straightening objects on tables, shelves, bookcases, etc. can be: positioning these items in an orderly manner works wonders - and maybe the guest won't notice a fine film of dust.
- Talking of dust, try to remove the bulk of it from the most immediately visible surfaces in the areas where you will welcome your visitors.
- In addition to the living room or sitting room, focus on the bathroom and also on the kitchen, which will certainly be frequented by guests.
By reducing the areas and tasks to the bare minimum, it really could only take an hour to clean your home (and some background music will help you too).